Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The Whytes of 38 So. Main Naas

This is a photo of my grandmothers family, from the dress and ages, it was probably taken in 1910, when her father had died. He is buried in Naas, at St Corbin's Cemetery. We will be visiting the family plot on our tour of Naas. I will post GPS coordinates for other family members to aid in their finding these family "sites" on future visits. Naas is an interesting town, many of the landmarks, Grandma talked about are still there and little changed for the most part. St Davids Church where she and my grandfather were married is much as it was in 1920's with only internal structural differences. The town hall and court house are very much as she described them. There are many Whytes still living in Naas and the surrounding environs. They are related to grandmas cousins on her fathers side. Her mother was Anne Lynch from Flemingstown a small village outside of Naas , we will be contacting and visiting with them.

Grandma's House

This is our first stop 38 South Main St. in Naas Co. Kildare. The photo on the left is My grandmothers house, taken in 1905 when she was 3 years old. It was a newpaper/candy shop run by her family. They sold it in 1930 to a family named Hayde, it is this name that is remembered around Naas. When I first visited in 1999 it was still a newspaper/ Ice cream parlor. Recently it has changed hands and serves as the Kildare County Tourist Board. If you look carefully above the Horse Cart, you will see the Family Name Whyte with the address "38" on either side.