Monday, June 4, 2007

Newgrange and Knowth

Also nearby is the ancient buriel / ceremony mounds of Newgrange, Dowth and Knowth, known as the three Sisters. These were built 6000 years ago and already 2000 years old when the pyramids were started. Their use is unknown , except for some funerary ritual, but they are wonderfully preserved and have been rebuilt to what the acheologists believe is their original form., Each is well over an acre in size .. Note the stone carvings, these are the where some original Irish spirals designs were inspired, most have been copied from these carvings..
While standing in line I ran into Morris Richman, Kathleen Donohoe-Richman's husband, a friend from Atlanta, Kathleens brother Liam also an acquaintance from the celtic festival in Atlanta was there as well. Kathleen and her family were visiting her mother in nearby Cavan County, number 8 on the list of people I know whom weve met along the way...

1 comment:

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